Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Benjamin Rojas Yauri, School of Theology, Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru

Associate Editor

Joel Turpo Chaparro, School of Theology, Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru

Editorial Committee

Walter Mauricio Alaña Huapaya, School of Theology, Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru

Alvaro Rodríguez Luque, School of Theology, Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru

Benjamin Rojas Yauri, School of Theology, Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru

Roy Edgar Graf Maiorov, Facultad de Teología, Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru

Michael Christian Orellana Méndez, Facultad de Teología Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru

Scientific Advisory Committee

Daniel Oscar Plenc, Universidad Adventista del Plata, Argentina

Jean Carlos Zukowski, Faculdade Adventista da Amazônia, Brazil

Grenville R. Kent, Morling College, Australia

Carlos Olivares, Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo, Brazil

Ernst R Wendland, Lutheran Bible Institute and Seminary, Zambia

Teófilo Correa, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Philippines

Abner F. Hernández, Andrews University, Mexico

Jorge Torreblanca, Inter-american Adventist Theological Seminary, Puerto Rico

Gerald A Klingbeil, Andrews University, Michigan, United States

Joaquim Azevedo Neto, Southwestern Adventist University, United States

Richard M. Davidson, Andrews University, Michigan, United States

Victor Figueroa Villarreal, Adventist University of Africa, Kenya

Elias Brasil de Souza, Biblical Research Institute, United States

Fernando Luis Canale, Andrews University, Michigan, United States

Raúl Kerbs, River Plate Adventist University, Argentina

Daniel Bosqued, Campus Adventista de Sangunto, Spain