“The Meaning of Cosmics Signs and Its Eschatological Application—Part I”


  • Sergio Celis Cuellar




The Seventh-day Adventist pioneers saw the fulfillment of the cosmic
signs of Mat 24:29; Mark 13:24-25; Luke 21:25; 1 Pet 3:10; Rev 6:12-14 in
literal events occurred in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, announcing the soon second coming of Christ. Yet, some Adventist interpreters now
suggest that this traditional understanding is not relevant. This first article
analyzes the biblical data regarding the cosmic signs in its Old Testament
background. The cosmic signs seem to be literal events related to divine
judgments on Israel and the nations. They appear as part of the day of
the Lord, in which the people of God are judged, vindicated, and restored.
This Old Testament background should be the basis for the eschatological
application of the cosmic signs. A second part of this study will analyze the
New Testament use of this motif and its eschatological fulfillment.

