“El día del Señor, grande y terrible”: El poder de las emociones y el lenguaje emotivo en los textos bíblicos apocalípticos


  • Chantal J. Klingbeil
  • Gerald A. Klingbeil.




Daniel, Revelation, biblical apocalyptic, visions, emotions


This study focuses on the little explored field of emotions and emotive language in biblical apocalyptic literature, concentrating on selected texts from Daniel (focusing on chapters 7 through 12) and Apocalypse. The authors of this study presuppose the integral nature of human beings. The study offers an operational
definition of emotions and attempts to make a brief review of how they work. Then it analyzes some negative and positive emotional expressions selected from the books already mentioned, as well as some of the emotional responses that the reader of these books is encouraged to experience. Finally, some tentative conclusions emerging from this pioneering research are offered.

