La influencia de las presuposiciones ontológicas en la doctrina del juicio final


  • Miguel Patiño Hernández Universidad de Montemorelos



judgment, ontological presuppositions, Greek philosophy, doctrines, Adventism


The concept of a final judgment that includes believers and unbelievers has been an integral part of Christian thought since its inception. However, there is a wide spectrum of positions regarding the nature of the judgment (time and place), its participants and its purpose. Doctrinal expressions of the last judgment have often been based on the interpretation of ontological presuppositions rooted in the philosophical realm. The present study aims to trace historically the foundations and philosophical presuppositions of the doctrine of judgment in representative thinkers throughout history. The article shows how the ontological presuppositions
of Parmenides and Plato influenced the doctrinal expressions of the judgment and how Adventism departs from that tendency by assuming a biblical interpretation of those presuppositions. 

