Interpretações alegóricas do santuário e suas implicações


  • Carlos Flavio Teixeira UNASP



Adventist system doctrine, heavenly sanctuary, earthly sanctuary, allegoric interpretations, hermeneutics


This study examines allegorical interpretations related to the biblical theme of the sanctuary, aiming to explore their causes, occurrences, and implications. Using bibliographic review as the research methodology and adopting a biblical-historicist-canonical approach, the text begins by addressing the origins and characteristics of allegory and its configuration as an interpretative method opposed to the biblical claims of literalness and historicity. It then highlights, through sampling, the most notable instances of sanctuary allegorization both within and outside the Adventist sphere, pointing out the convergence of their interpretative inconsistencies in terms of “spiritualization,” while acknowledging that their eclectic formulation prevents precise classification. Finally, the study underscores the main implications of this perspective and practice, emphasizing their hermeneutical and theological effects on the Seventh-day Adventist doctrinal system, with a direct impact on the sense of identity, unity, and mission of the remnant people.

